Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Program

After receiving more hits than I will ever receive by posting something totally unrelated to art, I will foolishly return to posting art. This little number took me a couple of days to complete.

I've had a few difficulties with the issue of doing a frame a day. These questions seem to pop up:

What if a frame is taking me a really long time? Do I work into the wee hours to finish it? Do I just get through a frame, even if I'm not happy with it, just to check it off as done for the day?

This is the conclusion I've come to. Starting with a wise suggestion from Twyla Tharp I've decided that my quota every will day will be one frame, or an hour and a half of work, whichever comes first. Second, I won't spend more than two days working on a frame.

While I want to make good quality, I also want to complete something. Two days should be enough to satisfy myself, but if I'm not totally satisfied with the frame, I reserve the option to change it in the editing phase (i.e. after the first draft is done).

So here's today's frame. It took me two days to complete, and I may change it when I get around to the editing phase.

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At 8:55 AM, Blogger Joseph said...

I liked your other post too, but you could never post enough green monk for me. This is good stuff! Keep at it!


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